Avon is a company that formed in the multi level marketing (mlm) industry. It is all over the internet, and people everywhere seem to show an interest in the company.
In 1886 the California Perfume Company was founded by David McConnell 28 of New York City, and was later renamed Avon in 1939. Women have sold Avon since 1886-34 years before women in the U.S. won the right to vote. Avon products are sold in 100 countries around the world today. Also in 1886 they launched there first product called "the little dot perfume" set included violet, white rose, heliotrope, lily-of-the-valley, and hyacinth. In 1896 Avon issued there first catalog and shortly after in 1897 they had there first $500 dollar day. In 1920 they finally hit there 1 million dollars. Today Avon is currently listed in the New York stock exchange and continues sell there products to distributors around the world.
Avon has all sorts of different product brands. A few include: Avon color, skincare, bath and beauty, hair care, wellness, fragrance, and a few more.
If you are interested in starting a career in the (mlm) industry than you should find a sales representative that is already involved with Avon, contact them an let them know your interested in the business opportunity and would like to acquire more information about the Avon company.
Like previously stated Avon is 1 of many multi level marketing companies out there today that some people call scams. Avon does not appear to be a scam but it has some definite drawbacks.
If you are someone that likes going around and associating with people in your neighborhood, having product parties to try and promote your products, and making cold calls, than this type of business is for you.
If you are looking for a more automated system then I suggest you continue your search until you feel you have found the company that has a great compensation plan and all the training and support you need to become successful online.
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